Friday, August 31, 2012


Well, today I went in for an interview. I felt good going into it, but we shall see what will come of it. Everyone has a poker face on now a days, but I can accept that. Why allow someone to get their hopes up for a job if you are not sure you want to bring them back in for a second round of interviews. On the bright side, there are always more jobs available to look into, and I got the wonderful chance to listen to The Flaming Lips on the way back up to Burbank, CA. Such good music.

I have been working heavily on updating my Linkedin page as well trying to up my numbers as well as visibility in the community. IF there is one thing that I have learned and had told and retold to me, it is just as much if not more who you know then what you know. I was talking with one of the P.A.T.S. mentors about this not to long ago, but the most important thing above all is getting your foot in that door. Once you are memorable, though you may not be needed this time or the time after that. They may refer you for other work to someone else because you have the tools/personality that is needed for the job. So all of us out there plugging away at the work. Keep on keeping on, that is the only way we can make it and through this we will all be fine. Please feel free to comment here and lets work at networking together!

Oh, one more thing, I got a hair cut so now I look business professional as apposed to that guy with the hippie hair that looked like it needed cut. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Long update of the last year of my life

Let us see here, It has been a while since I have posted on here. Time to check in with life and see where things are and have been since I last posted here. So, we shall start from my last post.

My wife and I decided we were going to make a go of things and head out or bust so that we could chase the dream of working in the industry. I did not get accepted into any masters programs, so working in the field was the next best thing. On our drive out in the direction of L.A. and planning on making it all of the way, we stopped in Denver, CO. Now mind you, I went to high school in that area, and my video production mentor, Kevin Campbell, from way back when I was a young Warthog still lives in that area. He suggested as an alternative to moving to L.A. that I could stay local in the area, and he would work with me and try to help me find contracts. That most likely it would be easier for Pam (my wonderful wife) to get jobs in the area as apposed to L.A. to support us through the thin times. So we looked at things and how they would pan out and decided to give it a try. We crashed on a friends couch for a few months while we were sorting out stuff and getting on our feet. Within a few weeks Pam had obtained work, and shortly there after I got some part time work as a Grip/P.A. Following after that shoot, my mentor put me in touch with another small production house that was looking for a part time assistant editor. So I put my hat in and was offered the contract. I learned a lot about editing and doing it fast while working with Y.G.H.D.T.V. They even started bringing me out on shoots to help set up lighting, mic talent, and set up sticks since I had told them that I knew how to do it and was proving trustworthy. This lead to me shooting for them as well as editing their local broadcast content. I absolutely was loving things working with those wonderful gentlemen. Then that sad thing happened, the contract ended when we finished the season.

So I worked on networking in the area, I went and toured a lot of production houses and started finding the time to go to the C.F.V.A. meetings. There are a lot of wonderfully talented people working on getting the ball rolling in Colorado and trying to build a great network. The problem though I had, was I blew my knee out one night. So Finding that I was going to be laid up for quite some time, we decided to pack things up and this trip was a go big or go home type of thing. We journeyed back to Kansas City and Pam got an awesome job working as a receptionist, awesome because of pay/benefits/growth potential. And I started going to the V.A. hospital and working out when I was going to get my leg worked on. This was in January. So over the next few months I had the pleasure of having my leg poked and prodded while being told I needed work and didn't and patiently waiting.

Then one happy day Pam and I were driving around Kansas City having a good morning when I got a phone call to crew for X-Factor in Kansas City when they would be passing through. The P.A.T.S. had sent out a list of all the P.A.'s they had trained in the area, and being that my last name ends in a D, I was one of the first they said they had called. Woot! I said of course I will do it. So, I strapped on my awesome possum knee brace, grabbed my pain med's and worked my catouche off. While working this gig, and knowing from past experiences, that the more I made myself needed on set, the more days I would get asked to work. So I went from being scheduled 3 days out of the 6, to working 5 out of the 6 days. It was a great week, did I mention that? I love the field of T.V. film and media because of that tense situation bubbling with catching the one small moment and all the work paying off and being something more then just the sum of the parts. So while we were wrapping the final day I had already made it clear and not in a pushy way, that when the production came back through that I would love to work on it again. I figured that 4 - 5 months later I would be done with having my leg worked on.

With that in mind, The week before my surgery, yeah, took that long, I get an email asking if I would want to crew up for the return trip to Kansas City. I said yes I would love to, but that I would be a week out of having knee surgery, they said ok, to let them know my limitations once I got out of surgery so that they could find a place for me on the production. I was ecstatic, I also had no real clue as to how bad knee surgery stinks. So, I get done with surgery and they tell me that I can not put weight on my leg at all for 2 months. That is a long time. So, I called and talked with the Production organizer and informed her of this dream dashing news. But she told me no worries, they had a spot that I could fill. So, I said I will be there as long as they needed me there. So I rolled up on set, literally, I was wheel chair bound, and assisted the production. My job entailed passing out credentials to those that needed them for getting on the production location. A great networking/mingling/getting a feel of what I was in for once my leg healed. So at the end of the production, I was making it clear that as soon as my leg was healed I was going to make my way out to L.A. and try to work in the field. They said that was not a bad idea. I also talked with them about if the chance was there for me to work on the airing production of the show. Their was a possibility, so with that in mind, and all the other connections I have made over the years working as a P.A. and the time I had spent in Denver, my wife and I decided that there was a better chance of me taking the jump and trying to find work in L.A. then in finding work in the field full time in Kansas City. So, I made the jump while she staid back in K.C.

Now mind you, I have stayed in constant contact with those that I have worked on past productions with out here in L.A. ( I am currently sitting on a bed in Burbank at one of my awesome possum connections places) and was told just how expensive it is to live out here, and that it is hard getting work. The thing is. It's hard getting work everywhere right now no matter what field, the expensive part, it isn't much different then the cost I feel, then Denver. Plus I had been told countless times, that once I got out here, I would have help and help finding work. My parents live outside of L.A. and let me borrow their car to drive up and do interviews and work small gigs as I aim to get myself established. Within the first two weeks of being here, I worked a music video shoot, that was interesting and eye opening to how each type of productions schedule can vary. I got on that shoot because in my resume I put out, for the P.A. gig, I mentioned that I had done the P.A.T.S. program, and while on set, one of the producers came up to me mentioning it. So, I was glad that I had done that course and it had opened up another door for me.On that production I busted my tail for little pay. But, It's not always about the pay of this gig, always need to be looking forward and trying to work towards getting the next few gigs. Only by proving time and again that I am a valuable asset will I stay working in the field. This has held very true and I stand by it. I worked with a wonderful crew on a very stressful production, and at the end of the 17 hr day, we could all laugh about it and walk away as new friends. I ended up feeling bad though, because after being there that long I had to physically leave, since I was borrowing my family's second car, my mother needed it back by 5am since she had to go to work. Now by living outside of L.A. I mean they live 2 1/2 hrs. away. So, it was 2 o'clock in the morning, I had no idea what the roads would look like at that time. So, as soon as the crew that was left, being one P.A. and one of the producers returned, I had to leave for home.

Now I am working all week long and shooting 4 out of 5 days this week and I have a first round interview for a possible job lead. I have been talking constantly with friends who are introducing me to their friends and vouching for me so that other contacts can get to know me and share leads on jobs they come across and can not fill. I have also been grinding away t all the production websites as well as Linkedin. There is a lot more to go in talking about all of that, but I shall digress for now. I must rest my fingers and go for a mid morning walk. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free.