Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I got my version of the first two scenes written out this morning. Not bad if I do say so myself. Tomorrow afternoon I am going to meet with Frank so that we can compare versions as well as cut and paste what we think will work or not work. Good progress though. Now that that is established we will need to figure out what our goal is for the first episode beyond setting the stage for the series. many decisions.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Frank and I met today to work on our thesis. Things are looking up and up. I like it. Character bio's are to be posted soon for others to look at and enjoy the descriptions. Been a while since I have posted on here. Between my mother dieing, getting an internship, and then working on thesis, and then one of my grandfathers dieing, it has been a hectic summer. Go figure hmm? No time for rest or grief yet. Maybe some day I can. But for now I have to focus on work to keep me going. So, here's to those that follow this blog, and I hope that you are enjoying your summer wonderful readers. Remember, the more you work towards your dreams, they can come true.